Inge-Yvette Klauck Absolutely great quality: the best I ever tasted.
Gertrud Lang Vorsicht, Suchtgefahr!
I.K. I bought again the black currants and they are absolutely tasteful and fantastic. My little granddaughter (3) said when I gave her some "can I have more, they are delicious". That says it all!
Great to know naturegift.
Inge-Yvette Klauck I bought the currants for the second time and they are so delicious and tasteful. I love them to you just as a snack or use them in cakes or deserts.
Nadja Ellen Häger Very delicious and I recommend to give some blackcurrants on your apple cake. The apple season has just started and it looks very nice on the cake. It's a beautiful change to raisins–the blackcurrants give a little touch of color.
11 reviews